COVID 19 Impact

There has been tons of misinformation passed on throughout social
media. Read this article to find out what and why this happens.

COVID 19 Deaths

One example of crazy misinformation is how deaths are counted. Of course, if you die from COVID 19, that goes on the counter on some website. First of all, I do not agree with the counter because all it does it scare people and they think "Oh my gosh, there is some many deaths", but in reality, there are not that many compared to how many people there are on earth. Second, those numbers are not fully truthful. If you were to die in a car accident, they test you of COVID 19 and if you have it, then it counts as a death of COVID 19. Isn't that wild. Another example is when an elder person dies in a facility fro elderly, they test them for covid and if they have it, it counts as a death from COVID 19. Also, there have been some studies that showed some of the information passed is old and outdated. For example, people and the government are posting on the news and social media old pictures of beaches and lying to us. Pretty much blaming us to have there way. False claim: The media is lying about crowds of people on Jacksonville Beach in Florida by using old photos

Average Deaths Between February and May | As you can see from this picture, we should be focusing on Cancer and Heart Disease more instead of all focus on COVID 19.

Misinformation on Twitter

As of last year, Twitters engineer team released there current algorithm. Twitter relies on a deep learning algorithm that has learned to prioritize with greater prior engagement. So basically if you have seen a lot of COVID postes, your only gonna see more. That means all this information that could be true and could be false is just filling your head and for most people, if you are told something enough times, you are gonna start to believe. This could obvioulsy be easliy changes to put more diversity on you page, but it doesn't effect them so they do not change it. Or they could just put together a team to find misinformation using trending searches or they could just put make a program to flag blatant misinformation to people know when they come across it.
Credits to This Website


As you know, scientists are creating a vaccine as fast as they can for Corona Virus. I do agree with creating the vaccine but, I do not think we should be rushing anything because we need to take the time to test the vaccine and make sure everything works and is under control. Of course we cannot lag, but we can not rush anything. I think that socail media has something to do with this because I think everyone is posting, "We need a vaccine" and everything and it is rushing scientestes because the government has to answer to these posts and question so they are rushing eevrything when we need to be careful because if the vaccine is mass produced for everyone things can go wrong and that could lead to something worse happeneing for no reason.