Cyber Safety Awareness


This website will go over Identity Theft Protection and Using Public Wifi Safely to ensure that you are safe from the web. I will list companies you can run to if in need and also free help from internet websites.

Cyber Saftey Videos

Identity Theft Protection & Using Public Wifi Safely

Identity Theft Protection

Some people think that Identity Theft is a joke but it is very real and very hard to get rid of. First, what is Identity Theft, Identity Theft Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission. It is hard to realize it when it happens and is hard to get rid of but this is numerous companies that help keep you safe from that. Here is a website that lists a whole bunch of companies that can save and protect you from Identity Theft.

Using Public Wifi Safely

Everyone uses free wifi because well its free, but we don't know what comes in return, today I will show you how to be protected from unsafe wifi and how to keep away from it. First of all, be aware, if it looks sketchy then probably just don't connect because better safe then sorry. Next, ask questions, it never hurts to ask some questions to the cashier or hotel manager to see if its legit. Next, use a vpn! This is the most simple way to protect yourself and it is very efficient, you can download free vpn's from the app store that totally work!